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Accounting Services

Our accounting services include –

  • Accounting and financial reporting
  • Financial transaction processing
  • Accounting and administration of employees' provident fund and gratuity fund
  • Validation of transaction and stocks
  • Implementation of fixed asset management system


a) Preparing trust deed and by-laws;
b) Registration of the deeds;
c) Obtain NBR recognition of the fund;
d) Book keeping and accounting of the fund; and
e) Advice in investments.

Corporate Finance

We have an experienced team of corporate finance professionals available to assist directors and executives with the complex issues of Financial Management.
We provide the following financial services –
  •  Financial modeling and business valuation
  •  Management of business acquisition and merger
  •  Feasibility test and development of business plans
  •  Tax planning for corporate and individual
  •  Design and implementation of financial systems and manuals

Benefit Administration:

Employee benefit plans requires detailed records for tax, payroll and compliance purposes. We have experienced consultants who concentrate full time on record keeping issues related to benefit plans. By outsourcing this function to us, we can help you.
Our services include the following-
a) Preparing trust deed and by-laws;
b) Registration of the deeds;
c) Obtain NBR recognition of the fund;
d) Book keeping and accounting of the fund; and
e) Advice in investments.

Interim Staffing & Training:

We can help our clients during the peak season or monthly closings or to fill in temporary vacancies. If our clients lack the personnel, time or expertise for a one time or special projects, we can help them meet deadlines and complete the project to their specification and satisfaction. We often provide assistance with bookkeeping and other accounting functions during leaves of absence or while recruiting new staff and we can help in searching for new recruits as well. We can assess the ability of the new recruits of our clients and can develop customized training program to help staff acquire the accounting skills they need to perform their work completely.